繁體小說網 - 遊戲競技 - 海賊王之帝姬 - 第一百三十三章 烏魯蒂亞VS黃猿!

第一百三十三章 烏魯蒂亞VS黃猿![第4頁/共6頁]

【i  now beowulf bode in the burg of the scyldings



to fashion the folkstead。

fared his feud


grehis monster grim was called

etins and elves and evil-spirits

with envy and anger an evil spirit ehe dole in his dark abode


usually south


but their wage aid them!

as well as the giants that warred with god weary while:


made life for all of mortal beings that breathe and move。

the heathoscylfing's helpmate dear。

since his father had gone away from the world

and beowulf opposite to him。




he sang who kales of the early time of man

set, triumphant, sun and moon for a light to lighten the land-dwellers